Thursday, February 5

Roadtrip to Houston

We are going to Houston this weekend to visit a friend who recently went to China and bought us stuff there. He's a pretty cool friend.

We will be taking the dogs with us so I need to get their food prepped beforehand. I just checked with the big boss man and he said I can have tomorrow off. Sounds like it's time to make a plan.

The plan is, tomorrow I will do a lot of packing and cleaning. I think I'll get husband to take the crap car to work so that I can get the subaru packed and ready to go by the time he gets home.

Dogs food will consist of: greens, rice, molasses, vinegar, any vegetables that I still have after cooking tonight, garlic, egg shells, yogurt; Everything except the yogurt and rice will get blended in the food processor and put in a container. They will be meatless this weekend because that's just easier when traveling.

Cooking tonight: chicken fried rice and the beef cheese rice casseroles. The casseroles will go in the freezer and the fried rice will be consumed tonight and tomorrow.

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