Tuesday, February 3

Tuesday already?

Time flies when you are menu planning. Let's first start with what I've done wrong.

  • Did not take into account that we would need to eat on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore the spaghetti that I had planned to use for lunch yesterday was already eaten. I had to improvise which led to me taking toast triangles and chicken liver pate for lunch. This did not work and I ate out in addition to eating the pate. If I had packed some of the soup to accompany it, that would have worked.
  • Expected myself to cook and bake way too much for one weekend. I need to focus on doing the long prep so that I can cook during the week. For instance, I made the rice for the cheesy beef and rice casserole, so that all I have to do when I'm ready to make it is to brown the ground beef and mix it all together.
Now on to what I did right.

  • Roasting the chicken on Saturday was a success. They were delicious. I have cooked chicken meat that I can use in a casserole or fried rice. I used the carcasses to make a delicious broth.
  • The lentil soup was also a resounding success. Husband can't get enough of it and it's chock full of good stuff. I used homemade broth in place of the water. Between the bone broth, collard greens and lentils, it's a very healthy meal.
  • Spreadsheet was a success. It was very useful to have the spreadsheet. That was not wasted effort as I feared it might be. It also allows me to start planning future weeks in advance. That way I know what to look for and buy at the markets.
  • Eating. We did not eat out all weekend because we had yummy readily available food in the house. Even when my evil friend tried to talk us into sushi.
The WAPF meeting went well even though it was just me and the chapter leader. I made the chicken liver pate. It has an interesting taste. I forgot to add the salt and I think that would've improved the taste greatly. I'm now experimenting with ways to eat it. I have a lot of it. One of the ways that I've found I like it is with some Swiss cheese and sea weed. I picked up a package of dulse from the coop and have been snacking on it intermittently. I'm trying to develop a taste for it. The salty flavor of the cheese and seaweed go well with the pate. I'm thinking of making a sandwich from these ingredients.

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